Sunday 13 February 2011

Passwords/phrases and client side storage

So, after we discussed this, we now move onto the promised post on where and how you should be storing your passwords. But before we get into that, we need to define the importance of passwords and password strength. But, we first need to discuss the term password, mainly the word part. People think, quite intuitively, that a password should be a single word, which is not the best idea. I prefer the term passphrase, implying multiple words and/or numbers and/or symbols. I will use the term passphrase from now on. With that out of the way, I think the next logical step is to discuss password strength.

Password strength is defined by 3 characteristics. The simplest is length, which is fairly obvious. The longer the password the harder it is to guess. I recently stumbled onto these figures, but take them with a grain of salt. They do not specify what kind of hardware was used to make these figures, so its all a bit iffy. Next is complexity, which is illustrated in the afore mentioned figures. (but just the general trend, the actually figures are still questionable). Simply put, if you have more complex passwords, with a combination of lower case, upper case, numbers and symbols, you increase the search space hugely. The third is memorability. There is no point of having "ASddeu43548&^&^ßß" as your password, because you will never remember it. A good password should be easily recalled.  The higher each of these characteristics are, the stringer the password.

Now we move on to the classification of passwords. People have varying opinions on what the exact classifications are, but I use a 4-tier system, detailed below. For each tier we define the suggested password strength wrt the 3 characteristics using the terms High(H), Medium(M), Low(L). We express these as a 3-tuple of the form {Length, Complexity, Memorability} e.g. High length, medium to high complexity and low memorability is written as{H,M-H,L}

TIER I: The big guns; these are passwords for your financial accounts. Online banking, online shopping, or any account which has you financial details, PIN numbers for your ATM/debit/credit cards. These must be very memorable, hard to guess and very strong. You lose one of these, you will lose all your money.
Strength: {H,H,H}

TIER II: These are next in line in terms of importance: Login credentials. This is your school/university/office login name and password. This is how you login to systems at work (wlog) either when you are on the premises or remotely. If you lose these, then you can kiss your professional life goodbye.
Strength: {H,M-H,H}

TIER III: The mid-level identity theft type passwords: email and asocial networking. So your Facebook, HI5, LinkedIn, MySpace, GMail, Y!Mail, Hotmail, thismail, thatmail, and so on and so forth. Depending on how many e-mail addresses you have and what kind of emails you receive on them, the effects of the loss vary. If you lose your primary account's password, then the likelihood of identity theft is significant.
Strength: {M-H,M-H,M}

TIER IV: The throwaways. This is all the stuff you couldn't care less about. Logins for sites that you created just so that you could read certain articles for example. These do carry some risk, but there is a very small risk involved. This depends on several factors, which we will get into in a moment.
Strength: {M,M,L-M}

Now, we need to lay down some ground rules. No passwords should be shared across tiers. This is based on the principle of least privilege. Secondly, passwords from one tier are never stored with passwords from a lower tier. Thirdly, realisability limits; Tier 1 passwords should be unique, tier 2 & 3 should be reused sparsely, Tier 4 can be reused infinitely. Finally, each tier's passwords should be of similar strengths, as explained above. These rules and system in general are a guideline, which I try to follow, but there are grey areas. When in doubt, go for the safest option.

Now that we know how to classify our passwords, we now move onto storage of said passphrases. For tier 1 passwords, we need a highly secure storage, i.e. a password locker. These are programs that will store all your passwords for you in an encrypted form. To decrypt these, you need a master passphrase, which you define when you setup the locker. This passphrase can be thought of as as a tier 0 passphrase, which a mild abuse of notation. This master passphrase has to live in your head and must be of high length, complexity and memorability.

Next we go onto tier 2. These can be stored in programs, but need to be encrypted or locked with another master pass phrase. These should not as a rule be stored with the tier 1 passwords, but that rule tends to be broken for practicality's sake. It is quite annoying having multiple password lockers and it wouldn't be the worst thing if your most important passwords were kept together. If we do have a second password locker, we should treat the master passphrase as tier 1 password.

Now for tier 3, it you can save them in your browser, BUT, they must be encrypted with a master passphrase under all circumstances. Also you should avoid the use of cookies storing the session, caused by checking the "Remember me" check box. This is a big no-no. It's convenient, but it's not really secure. Alternately you could have a third password locker and store them there, encrypted with a tier 2 passphrase (I'm sure you can see the general trend here). If you have your tier 1 and 2 passphrases in a single locker, then this would be a second locker.

And now, tier 4. We all have a billion passwords for a billion sites that we that we use once a month or even less frequently. Theoretically, you could create a new password for each, but you will never be able to remember them all. These you can have your browser remember for you. This way you can have a unique arbitrary password for every single account. There is no real need for a master passphrase encryption, but it is recommended. As you may have guessed, this master passphrase would be a tier 3 passphrase.

These rules are quite rigid, but they are designed from a security point of view rather than a usability point of view. What is an acceptable loss of usability is very much a personal preference and that is up to you. You are welcome to bend and even break some of the rules, to make life easier for yourself. But, remember, you sacrifice security for usability and only you can strike the right balance for yourself. (I avoided saying "you have the power" because it sounds really cheesy) And so, there you have my guidelines for password storage. If in any way this makes the web just that much more secure, then I will have done my job.

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