Wednesday 7 July 2010

Another side-note

Well, I have previously pointed out how TV tries use cryptography as a plot point and fails massively, but I found a counter-example. I have recently started watching Numb3rs, and by recently I mean I'm only on Season 1 Episode 5. Which is the exact episode I want to talk about, well not really talk about in as much as I want to mention that they pretty much got the details of how cryptography works. There was a slight lack of finesse in it, but overall the general idea was conveyed. Needless to say this made me happy. Apart from that, as far as I can tell most of the math they do/show/explain on the show is fairly accurate. Looks like I have a new TV show to watch.

Season 1 Episode 6, same as above.

1 comment:

  1. *Adds to to watch list* - Sounds like a decent enough show :)
